in the jungle, the mighty jungle...
Animal Kingdom Gift Box For Kids is inclusive of 6 pairs of socks and 1 face mask. A mix of quirky animal printed socks that can cheer the little ones and bring a smile on their face. They can put on a fresh pair each day as they set off to do their toddler business. Made of cotton, they ensure that their feet breathe easy and feel great throughout the day.
- Socks for kids
- 6 pairs of socks and 1 mask
- Washed with an eco-friendly bio-enzyme for improved softness against the skin
- Stretch spandex added for a comfortable fit
- Padded throughout with soft cotton loops inside the sock for cushioned comfort
- Plated with a fine polyamide mesh for strength and durability
- Knitted with soft and natural combed cotton for moisture absorption
- Sized to fit infants between 2-4 years of age
- This item is not returnable. Face masks or personal care items do not come under our return or exchange policy.
Package includes:
1 x Animal Kingdom Gift Box For Kids
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